Hope is Alive

Join Us This Easter

Breakfast served at 9:30 a.m.
Morning worship starts at 10:50 a.m.


You are loved | You are welcome!

Come and

Worship With Us

We’d love to have you and your family join us!
We meet at 10:50am on Sundays!

A Worship Environment

That Can Fit Anyone

Worship can be casual or you can dress to the nines.
Join us at 10:50am on Sundays.

A place

For Your Family

Your children are taught about Jesus in a loving and fun environment.
Learn more about the kids ministry at First Christian Church.

Welcome to

First Christian Church

Worship with us Sundays at 10:50am

Sunday Morning Worship – Sunday at 10:50am

During Worship, all people are invited to participate in every aspect of the service. Participants may dress casually or may wear their Sunday best; dress is a matter of individual choice. We at First Christian welcome all just as God does.

During the Sunday morning Worship service, all are invited to partake in Communion with the bread and the cup because this act defines who we as Disciples are. The bread and cup are offered to each person as they come forward. They are eaten as one wishes.

Nursery & Children’s Church

  • A Nursery is provided for ages 0-3 during service starting at 10:45am.
  • Children’s Church is provided for preK-5th grade after the children’s moment with the Pastor.
  • Children 6th grade and up attend the regular worship service with their parents.

Watch Live

Sundays @ 10:50am

Can’t be here in person? No problem! You can watch our live stream every Sunday at 10:50 on YouTube!

What’s Up Next

At First Christian